The Apple Tree Guy is a locally owned business that sells multiple types of fruit trees each spring. The demand for cheap but high quality trees in our area has driven this business to be where it is today. In the past when customers called to order trees, they always asked for “The apple tree guy” instead of asking by name, and that is how it all got started!
We specialize in fruit trees that are designed to grow in our region. If you tell us where you live, we will tell you what is best suited for your property. Many repeat customers have stated that our trees are the highest quality for the lowest price in the area, and that is why they keep coming back.
Not only are our trees a great value, but our advice is free. Feel free to call or email with any questions or if you are looking for any advice, any time of day or night, 7 days a week. 218-391-1113
We have a small orchard where we also grow grapes, raspberries, strawberries, hops, currents, blueberries, plums, cherries, apricots, apples and much more!
Our Minnesota Nursery License Number is #20138459.
Here are some random images from the orchard last year
A few volunteers trying on our clothing line!

Here the apple tree guy is walking a chicken across one of the orchards. I guess he did it to get to the other side.

We like to start our future employees at an early age.

Pesticide free apples, yum!

Evans Bali Cherries fresh from the tree. Get them before the birds do!

A small tree, but the apples sure are looking good!

Here are some examples of trees that are available later in the season.

We had to say goodbye to our trusty old tent. The new canopy with a steel roof is just getting finished.

There is no better smell than walking through an orchard when the blossoms are all in bloom, it’s part of what makes the hard work worth it all (Oh, and the apples sure taste great too)

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