Pruning and Training Young Fruit Trees


Call 218-391-1113 for availability



***2019 Pruning classes have are not available due to scheduling conflicts and an overabundance of snow in the orchard. We are working on an information page on how to prune, but it is a work in progress. Check back often to see what has been updated… Thanks!

Pruning and Training Young Fruit Trees
The Apple Tree Guy’s orchard (219 Kettner Drive in Carlton MN)


The first few years of a newly planted fruit trees life set the stage for its long term health. Learn about training young fruit trees for optimum health and production as they mature including hands-on demonstrations and discussions of multiple training techniques. Appropriate for participants of all skill levels. Bring what pruning tools you may have and pictures of your trees to discuss, time permitting. All required tools and handouts will be provided, dress for the weather! We will be standing on uneven snow in an orchard for the entire class and will be moving around for demonstrations. Dress extra warm, as standing still outside in February sure can get cold. Seating may not be available due to these conditions.
We are happy to have Cindy Hale from

as the teacher for this class.
Cost is $15 per person. Let us know if you are coming alone or with someone so we can have enough handouts for everyone.